• Buying you Glastonbury, V Fesitval, T in the Park and Reading Tickets

    Before you can even think about planning this years festival trip, you need to make sure you can get a ticket! This becomes more and more difficult every year as festivals become more popular and demand increases. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can really do to guarantee that you get a ticket, but there are a number of ways to increase your chances. Last year, all of the most popular festivals sold out in a matter of hours, some in a matter of minutes.

  • Crossing the Musical Generation Gap

    Twice now, in the past year, I have packed my Martin acoustic guitar, headed over to two different friends houses where, in each house, there was a 14 year old guitar player. In one case it was a 14 year old girl, the other a 14 year old boy. The girl was still wearing braces, the boy was about 6 feet, a thick head of long hair, curly at the ends and very sultry looking. One house housed, in addition to the teenager, a Fender Stratocaster, in the other house, in addition to the teenager, was an Ibanez electric guitar.

  • What Everyone Needs to Know About Glastonbury Tickets

    Once you have established roughly when the tickets will be going on sale you have to find out where you can buy your ticket from .

  • Unlimited Games Downloads

    Whether you’re looking for Free Games downloads, Music downloads, Movies downloads, free pc download game ; I will expose you to all of the latest downloads. Download anything you want, any time you want. Over 4 million people are constantly connected, sharing over 800 million files!.

  • Piano Lesson: II-V-I Progressions In C Major

    Let me give you some easy progressions that will help you in your improvisational piano playing!

  • Will Dead Sara Wake Up LA Music?

    I was so impressed by Dead Sara's last performance at the Whisky a Go Go, that I thought I would catch them again. (Could I be right? Is Dead Sara LA's next gem?)

  • Selecting the Right Home Theater Equipment

    Ah!! There’s not much like the thrill of seeing the latest Hollywood blockbuster on the big screen! Excitement fills the air as the house lights dim. The low murmur from the speakers begins to rise and surround you as the sounds permeate the theater from back to front, left to right- adding a bit of vibrating excitement from the tips of your toes up to top of your head. Every hair on your body stands up on end. This experience can be recreated in your very own home, as long as you have the right home theater equipment.

  • Gifts for Valentine, our Chance to Shine

    We can be heroes, not in the battle field, but on Valentine’s Day.

  • 2007 Grammy Awards Ceremony Promises Plenty of Controversy

    Ah, the Grammys…the music industry’s counterpart to the Academy Awards. Every year seems to bring about at least one “against all odds” winner and a little controversy. This year, thankfully, promises to be no different. The music industry is similar to the motion picture industry in that politics and persuasion play a part in the proceedings. Try saying that seven times fast. Better yet, try to guess who’ll walk away a winner this year and who will go home unrecognized. If the recent past tells us anything, it’s harder than you might think.

  • What Makes Amateur Singers Shine?

    Ever since ancient times, wherever people have congregated for social gatherings, singing and accompanying hand-clapping have been a part of the festivities. Even if a person’s voice was not good, his rendition of a song would lead to laughter from the other guests and would still enliven the party. It was therefore inevitable that karaoke songs would develop. The karaoke phenomenon got its start in Japan, a country known for its boisterous bar parties. Legend has it that a musical group was supposed to perform at a snack bar in Kobe City, but when the guitarists failed to show up, the bar owner played tapes of accompanying music and let the vocalist sing to it. Enjoying the spectacle, bar goers also started to contribute and sing along. Thus, karaoke-- an abbreviated Japanese compound word taken from “karappo” meaning empty and “okesutura” meaning orchestra—was born.